Diabetes is a disease that affects many patients in Maui. If this condition is left untreated, it could lead to serious complications such as amputations and heart disease. Premature death is a common complication for patients who do not have good control of their blood glucose levels. That is why it is very important for diabetic patients to visit Medical Clinics in Maui. With the help of physicians and staff at medical clinics, diabetic patients may be able to live a fairly normal life with little to no reduction in lifespan.
Most diabetic patients need oral medications in order to control their diabetes. Although regular exercise and a good diet will help lower blood sugar levels, it is usually not enough to result in satisfactory glucose numbers. Physicians at Medical Clinics in Maui can prescribe two types of prescription medications to diabetics. Some diabetes medications work to increase the body’s sensitivity to the existing insulin in the body. The other type of diabetes medication causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Some patients need both types of medications in order to get acceptable blood sugar levels.
There are type one diabetics who need injected insulin in order to maintain good control on blood sugar levels. An important part of insulin injection regimen is in knowing when to administer the insulin. Over time, patients will figure out the correct dosage and the right time to inject. Doctors, nurses, and diabetes educators at the medical clinic can help type one diabetics treat their condition.
If there are serious complications resulting from diabetes, the patient should seek treatment from a doctor as soon as possible. For example, many people with poorly controlled diabetes may suffer foot injuries without noticing how serious it is. If the infection from the injury is too much for the body to handle, amputation may be necessary. It’s best for patients to contact a medical clinic to figure out whether to go to the emergency room or to see a physician in an outpatient basis.
Diabetes can cause serious complications and even death, but many patients are able to live normal and healthy lives by getting ongoing medical treatment at the clinic. Visit the website for more information on services and on how to book an appointment.